Policy Studies
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Policy Studies Overview
Chatham students in policy studies are fortunate to have small class sizes that enable intense learning opportunities both from peer-to-peer interactions and one-on-one mentoring from faculty. Programs are flexible and designed to meet the unique interests and abilities of each student. They graduate with a profound understanding of both how policymaking happens and how they can contribute to the process in meaningful ways.
— DR. JENNIE SWEET-CUSHMAN, assistant director, Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics, and assistant professor of political science

New Leadership Pennsylvania Promotes Women in Politics
The Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics (PCWP) at Chatham University combats gender inequity in politics by hosting the NEW Leadership Pennsylvania™ summer institute—an intensive, non-partisan, six-day residential program.
Explore the Policy Studies Degree:
Chatham’s policy studies program is designed to prepare students for a career in developing domestic or international policy in public or private settings, such as in public service, elected office, or government agencies. It’s also appropriate background for work in non-governmental policy organizations, and forges a strong foundation for graduate work in public policy, law, and other academic fields.

International Studies Certificate
Students can enhance their degree with a certificate in international studies in one of five major global regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. The certificate includes a language requirement, history and culture courses, and an international field experience (which Chatham helps to fund).

Preparing for Law School
Chatham's pre-law program is designed to encourage and support students with an interest in careers in law. It also helps students prepare to attend law school. The program includes the pre-law advisor, a pre-law minor, co-curricular programs offered in partnership with the Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics, as well as the support of an advisory committee.